
Wednesday, December 2, 2020

God knows your secrets!

 Throughout this term, we read about a girl named Esther who saved a lot of people's lives. Integrity is when people are honest and they do the right things even when people are not looking. Even non-christian people can have integrity. Learning about integrity is good because you are able to have a strong relationship with your friends because you trust and they trust you. If you don't hurt treat them like another option if you have integrity with your friends you will have a strong friendship.

Integrity is when you are honest and you tell the right things all the time. I am going to tell you about characters that show integrity. The characters that I am going to explore are Esther, John, and Noah. These characters showed integrity by being honest and doing good things even when people weren’t looking. That's how these characters showed integrity. These characters did the right thing even when they felt angry. Queen Esther is a character in the bible she came from a Jewish family. So king Xerxes wanted another queen when he saw Esther he wanted her to be queen when she became queen he gave her everything she was in favor of half of the kingdom. Queen Esther went to King Xerxes and pleaded to save the lives of her family. She was willing to sacrifice her life for her family. When she walked into the courtroom king Xerxes pulled his gold scepter out and she lived. She did the right thing by speaking up. It's important to speak up because it can change people and it can also help them by telling them not to do that to tell them to do the right thing. Speaking up can also save people.

Noah is also another bible character; he did the right thing by saving everyone and everything God asked him to save animals and mankind.  He listened to God all the time.  He spent a lot of time trying to build something to save his family and God’s creatures. Everyone else laughed at him, yet he kept obeying God. God gave Noah and his family food and a lot more things for saving everything he made. After the flood, Noah lived another 350 years but he passed away when he was 950 years old God was giving Noah eternal life meaning everlasting life for saving everything God wanted. We can learn from Noah. We will feel pressured to stop following God’s commandments. People may even laugh at us like everyone did with Noah. If we have integrity, we will still follow God. 

Daniel, he showed integrity by doing the right thing and doing things God wanted him to do. One day the king's guards kidnapped Daniel from Jerusalem to king Nebucanezzah he ended up in Babylon the next day he was a slave for the king one day the king had a bad dream. One of his guards went to the king and told him one of his slaves was able to interpret. So Daniel had to go to the king's bedroom and the king told him to interpret so Daniel told him what was going to happen and the king was shocked. Once the kingdom got gathered and they had to bow down to the king's golden statue but Daniel and his did not bow down the king got mad and threw them in the fire pit but there was a shining light in the fire pit. That’s when he knew God was real.


All these characters showed integrity by doing the right thing. They all were good people. Some of them were willing to sacrifice their lives for people and every time they would betray God they would always forgive them and in the end, they would follow God and go the right way. That’s what integrity is always doing the right thing even if they mucked up just believe in God and he will help and save you from doing bad things.

Monday, November 30, 2020

My Reflection.

 This year has been very difficult with all these teachers having to come in then out but, when Whaea Lana came everything was okay and organized she was teaching us about fractions and things that we needed to learn she really helped our class. Thankyou Whaea Lana.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

How to have a healthy lifestyle.

 Throughout most of this term our class has been trying to persuade people to eat healthy instead of bad now we have finally done finish our writing now it's time for you to read and maybe try to change your mind and eat healthy. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

My Terrifying holiday



                                                         Fishing- Recount 


I was so terrified. What if I fall? Maybe I’ll get eaten? What if I die?  What if a shark kills me? It's my first time. I don’t know how I'm going to do this? oh my gosh! I was so excited but scared at the same time. Someone tell me how to do this! During the holidays I went to my aunt's house on September the 28th.

  I got a bit excited when we went to the wharf we went to go Fishing. We also waited for our cousins to get there while we were waiting. We were preparing our rods to go straight away. When we got on the wharf. The smell of the sea was very salty but it had a nice breeze to it. It was very smooth and calming. There was a sense of calmness like a bunch of puppies sleeping.

 As the weather cooled down we got dressed in our warm clothes. When we got into Paihia, we stopped to get bait, and then I saw Maketu, Puti, and his family near the bait shop. I said “Hi”. When we all got to the wharf, my family and I grabbed our fishing rods and went fishing. I was still a little scared but I got over it and carried on fishing. Elsie left me and my cousin Hine at the wharf to go to the bathroom. I just stood for 2 minutes then sat down because my legs were still shaking from the worry. I thought I would get eaten by a shark. I  reeled the rod up, then threw it back in till they came. I gave the rod to my cousin so I could rest.

Later that day, My cousin went to throw the fishing line in. I walked past her and my jersey got hooked on it so I yelled, “Aria” I got scared and ran away far from the rod. 1 hour later, we had to leave the wharf to have dinner. Afterward, I had a shower and then I went to bed. 

Summary, That time was the most terrifying but also exciting and funny holiday ever. I would totally do that again but soon so that is what happened during my holiday. It was one of the best ones I’ve had in the end. 

Monday, November 2, 2020

The Ring of Invisibility

Having the ring of invisibility will get you in major trouble. That's why I and Hunia experimented on the ring and how you can actually get away with stuff.