
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

My Student Reflection

This is my 2018 mid term Reflection. I have learned that a reflection is when you share your thinking.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Thursday, June 7, 2018

show not tell

I'm learning to show not tell the yellow highlighting  what I am showing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Name: Atlanta  “Mum shut the doors and curtains now”  I screamed. There’s something coming wait can you hear that mum i’m scared . shhhhhhhhhhh knock knock .”Mum what was that? I don’t know but it’s coming from the door”. mum says i’m going to check it out  then i said mum don’t go it might be something scary.  There’s no one there mum look behind you it’s right there right behind you mum watch out mum says hey who opened all the curtains and the doors.  Was it you no it wasn’t me then who was it mum look where did all those muddy footprints come from should we follow them okay. Come on let's go we followed the tracks and then we found a clown it was no ordinary clown it was a vicious flesh eating clown. So we ran as fast as we could but then he locked all the doors and windows and he came closer and closer until then he turned into dust when we got out we were free until something was wrong some things changed when we got out of it then a strange noise was getting louder and when we turned back and something appeared right in our face. Then we turned around again and we were trapped with clowns with chainsaws in there hand and we said each other let’s do it then we done our karate move’s and we sang with it to we everybody wants kung fu fighting and then they were coming closer and closer than  they laughed like a evil witch and then they pulled the blanket off me i was so scared i screamed and it was only in my dream and when i woke up and my mum was in my bed and so we went somewhere so cool and it was so amazing and i was laughing at my mum and that was the coolest thing. The end.